
Treasures around the Corner: NMH Collection 60

  • Treasures around the Corner: NMH Collection 60
    Treasures around the Corner: NMH Collection 60
    出刊日期: 2016-04-01
    出版機關: 國立歷史博物館
    作者/編者: Chief Editor by Chen Chia-Iing
    頁數: 135
    價格: 新臺幣400元
    尺寸: 21x15公分
    語文別: 英文英文
    統一編號(GPN): 1010500246
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-986-04-8116-7
    內容分類: 博物館類、陶瓷類、雕刻、書法、文房四寶、篆刻、攝影、文物、考古、繪畫
    性質分類: 專書
  • On the occasion of the National Museum of History’s sixtieth birthday, the museum’s staff, in order to express to the museum the deepest of blessings, have especially prepared this publication, Treasures around the Corner: NMH Collection 60, selecting from the museum’s collection artifacts that are not heavy with abstruse meaning, but are their favorites, those which inspire most feeling, are rich in historical interest or tell the best stories. The authors have written in a prose form distinct from that of the academic article to present history through the origins of an item’s accession to the museum’s collection and to do so using the perspectives of themselves and others, conveying to the reader a warm and painstaking sense of history, consolidating the intimate relationship between artifacts and people. 
