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Lei, bronze wne vessel with cloud dragon design

  • Lei, bronze wne vessel with cloud dragon design
    Lei, bronze wne vessel with cloud dragon design
    Number: h0000285
    Level: significant antiquities
  • The Lei was found in Hsincheng, Henan, 1923. Lei is a wine and water vessel, used in guest-welcoming and ritual ceremony. The mouth is open wide. The shape is round and there are four handles, each is entwined with two dragons, one square and one round. Their mouths are biting a ring. The scales on the dragons are also different. They are a couple of male and female dragons with entwined tails. A circle of serpent patterns are decorated around the Lei’s belly, which are more symbolic in simple shapes of double hooks. Down beneath the belly is carved inside the frame of leaves. There are round circles between the handles. There were originally bronze flakes with dragon pattern, however already fell off.